Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Book to benefit American Cancer Society

As submitted by Vickie Grassman...

My friend Lynn Tincher has written her first novel! She is taking pre-orders for Afterthoughts, a mindbending thriller!

Synopsis: Detective Paige Aldridge finds that the only people she has for a family are murdered one by one. Desperate to help her sister, she is determined to find out who is behind it all. After being the victim of a kidnapping, she is traumatized by memories she does not know she has. She sees visions of the murders and believes she is being followed by someone she’s only seen in the shadows. Trying to run from her dreams, she is sent spiraling down a path of self doubt, fear and betrayal. Paige finds an unlikely friend that tries to help her by telling her unbelievable things. Are all of these things connected? Teamed up with her partner, Jay, she tries to put all of the pieces together. Will Jay believe in her and most importantly will Paige believe in herself? Are the memories true or are they just an elaborate mind game? Can she get her thoughts together before it’s too late? Lynn was born and raised in Oldham County and is a graduate of Oldham County High School. You can learn all about her by visiting

And for a limited time, Lynn is making this SPECIAL OFFER: If you visit and pre-order your autographed copy of Afterthoughts, use coupon code ACS2008 during the checkout process. With this coupon, you will receive $5.00 off your order and the American Cancer Society will get 10% of all the revenue from the sales. Please feel free to forward the coupon code to any one that may be interested in helping.

Good luck, Lynn and thanks for supporting the American Cancer Society!

Vickie Grassman
Income Development - Special EventsAmerican Cancer Society
701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.
Louisville, KY 40203

An Evening of Hope Gala - Una Noche de Esperanza - May 31, 2008 For Life of Spencer County: For Life of Southwest Jefferson County/Iroquois: Rick Pitino's Coaches vs. Cancer donation site:

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