Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Moment of Clarity and Lessons in Gratitude

Moment of Clarity: As many of you know, I offer free publicity in The Literary Lynnch Pen. The publicity is designed to give a little blurb about authors, artists, etc. with links to their websites for my readers to find out more about the artist and drive traffic to the sites. This is in no way a place to have your biography written by me. If that were the case, it would not be free. I do this as a way of giving back some of what I received in help from others. I know what a little publicity can do when passed along to the right hands and I only hope that I’ve been able to help others even if it is giving them a little encouragement.

Lessons in Gratitude: I am amazed at the variety in personalities among the people I meet on a daily basis. Almost everyone has something to teach if you are willing to learn. Maybe I am naive in thinking that others think the same way I do about certain things. I’ve always been grateful when someone takes the time to help me in whatever capacity it is that they can offer. I suppose I expect others to feel the same way. I was proven wrong this week. I found out that some people expect the moon out of a gracious offer of help. I was very hurt by one person in particular. It has taken me a while to recover from that. Then I realized how wrong that is. Why should I let one person who tried to take advantage of me while degrading everything I do get me down? I then thought about all of the people who were very grateful for my help and encouragement and the good that I have accomplished. They are helping pull me out of this funk. Thank you for that!

I am sharing all of this because I know that we all hit rough spots and run into negative people that drag us down. I know it’s hard when you are hurt and it’s easier to dwell on the bad than on the good. Just pick yourself up and concentrate on all the good you do and the positive things in your life. Take control. Don’t let one bad experience drag you down. Keep plugging away and hold your head up high.

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