Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Publisher's (Blackwyrm LLC) 2009 Fiction Catalogue
Check it out!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tracking Fans
by Lynn Tincher
Tracking your fans can be an easy task if you follow a few simple rules. Always take a sign up sheet with you to all of your appearances. This will give your readers a chance to sign up to hear from you. Collect as much personal information as you can, especially email addresses.
Email is the fastest and easiest way to connect with your readers and keep them informed. Add a sign up link on your website and anyplace you have electronic information. This way, the information can be sent directly to a database for collection. Use iFanz, Constant Contact or other email database companies to help you collect and maintain your mailing lists as well as the emails you send to your readers. Constant Contact, for example, is the program I use. I can send emails to different groups of readers depending on the type of information I need to have sent. Plus this is a great way to store your information remotely instead of using your own computer. This will lesson the risk of losing your information.
Do your research and find out the method that works best for you and good luck!
Copyright 2008 - Lynn Tincher
Monday, December 8, 2008

By L. Diane Wolfe
ISBN 0-9816210-2-3
/ 978-0-9816210-2-9
Release Date: March 17, 2009
Are you ready to break through the barriers obstructing your goals and move into a position of leadership? Then do so with SPUNK! Learn the steps required to overcome obstacles and become an effective and dynamic leader. The five keys guide you through:
Developing a positive attitude
Learning people skills
Raising self-esteem
Overcoming fears
Setting goals
Joined by authors David Ambrose, p.m.terrell, Darlene Wofford, Jocelyn Andersen, Bob Johnson, C. Denise Sutton, and Bill Wilson, Wolfe's book will energize your passion for life!
Exciting News!
I want to thank Wiley Ezell for allowing me to be a part of his radio show "We Talk Back" from Louisiana. We had a great time and I gave a free copy of Afterthoughts to Joan Adkins. I will be sending out the link for everyone to listen to very soon.
I am looking forward to this weekend's signing at the Casey County Public Library in Liberty Kentucky. I will be there on December 13th from 10:00 to 11:30. You can find out more by visiting I look forward to meeting everyone there.
With Afterthoughts' second edition in the works (due to be published in April 2009), I am running a special on the first edition through my web site. From now until December 20th, if you order the paperback or hardcover autographed edition of Afterthoughts, you will get $12 off and the American Cancer Society will still receive 10% of the profits. Visit here to place your order and use coupon code FIRST08 during the checkout process. Feel free to pass the code along to your friends. (Note: This only applies to orders placed on my web site.)
Book Signings: Casey County Public Library 238 Middleburg Street Liberty, Kentucky, December 13, 200810:00-11:30
Southern Kentucky Book Fest Sloan Convention Center Bowling Green, Kentucky April 18, 2009
If you would like to submit an article for consideration in The Literary Lynnch Pen, please visit TLLP calendar here to see the themes for upcoming editions. Send your submissions to with "Submissions" in the subject line. Be sure to include your contact information and any web sites you may have. I'll be glad to add them to the newsletter.
Lynn Tincher
Author of Afterthoughts
Coming articles in the Literary Lynnch Pen:
December 15th
Writing Tips - Tracking Your Fans
Featured Artist - Brittany McChristian
Monday, December 1, 2008
Finding an Editor
by Lynn Tincher
It is vitally important to have your work edited, especially if you are a self published author. The biggest mistake a writing can make is believing that they can edit their own material.
Even the best editors sometimes lets things slip through. While they may be excellent at editing, they may not be the best proof readers. It is always a good idea to have other proof readers look at your material. I had several. What once person may accidentally let pass, another reader will catch.
Do your research. Find out from other authors which editors they've used. Many publishers have their own editors that they use but it is still a good idea to have an independent source.
Read other author's blogs on the subject and research any editors you many be interested in. Don't be afraid to ask them for references if need be.
Here's a couple of sites with some helpful information to get you started.
Copyright 2008 - Lynn Tincher
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Kentucky Book Fair

Monday, November 10, 2008
How to be a Good Interviewee
by Lynn Tincher
Now that you have your book, artwork, etc. in the limelight, how do you handle the press that comes along with it? What will make you a good interviewee so that you can land even more press?
Email interviews are the easiest. Most of the time, a list of questions will be emailed to you and you will have a certain amount of time to answer the questions. First read through the questions, think about them. Make you sure take to time to read each part of the question and answer them honestly and completely as possible. Then go back and re-read the questions and your responses to make sure that nothing is missed and that you have said everything that you want to say.
For radio and TV, talk to the hosts to find out what types of questions that may be asked of you. Make a list of your answers to have on hand for radio and memorized for your TV interviews.
Know your audience. Make sure your responses are age appropriate or audience specific.
In TV interviews, be mindful of your appearance and mannerisms. Practice interviewing in front of the mirror or with someone you trust.
These are just a few tips to help you on your way to success.
Also, check out these great web sites for more information:
Copyright 2008 - Lynn Tincher
Monday, November 3, 2008
What a week!
What an exciting week I've had. I've barely had time to breathe. I'm proud to announce that I am working with Blackwyrm on publishing the second edition of Afterthoughts in April and the sequel, Left in the Dark, in October. We are also working on a new Trilogy to be released in 2010. This is very exciting for me and I look forward to working with Blackwyrm. This means that the first edition of Afterthoughts will be going away soon. Better grab a copy while you can!
I also have a book trailer for Afterthoughts in the works. From the conversation I've had with Filmatix Films, it sounds like it is going to be incredible! Look for it to come out soon.
And last but not least, I have to finish up on the screenplay for Afterthoughts. I have three different avenues looking at it for the big screen. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I hope of have something more to announce soon!
Upcoming Events:
I'm very excited to announce that I will be a guest on "WE TALK BACK" on December 6th at 11:00 AM Central 12:00 PM Eastern. You can listen live at and clicking on the Listen Live button. It will also be Podcast for the following week. "WE TALK BACK" is a radio talk show in Louisiana that is hosted by Wiley Ezell. Thanks Wiley!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Article about me and the Kentucky Book Fair
You can find the article with pictures here:
Bookworm Bonanza
Kentucky Book Fair unites readers with authors
Annual event in Frankfort is largestof its kind in the Bluegrass State
By Helen E. McKinneyContributing Writer
2008 November Kentucky Edition Cover
FRANKFORT, Ky. (November 2008) – Lynn Tincher has always loved a good thriller – so much so that she has recently written a psychological thriller of her own. Tincher’s first book, “Afterthoughts,” explores the ideas of schizophrenia, mind reading, remote viewing and mental illness, qualities enveloped by murder and mind control. She is donating 10 percent of the book’s proceeds to the American Cancer Society. “The backbone of the book is the mind reading or schizophrenic aspects and how they may or may not be related to each other,” said Tincher, 40. “The idea I had was never developed anywhere that I had found. At least not in the way I had envisioned.”Tincher said the concept for “Afterthoughts” had been in her mind for several years as a plausible story. She finally took the time to sit down and develop characters and flesh out a story to complete the idea. The Prospect, Ky., author will be one of 220 featured authors at the 2008 Kentucky Book Fair. The 27th annual event takes place Saturday, Nov. 15, in Frankfort. A diverse combination of authors, some first-timers and some seasoned writers, are scheduled to meet the public and take part in various events, from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the Frankfort Convention Center.The Book Fair is Kentucky’s premier literary event and one of the largest of its kind in the nation. It is sponsored by the The State Journal, Frankfort’s daily newspaper, and co-sponsored by the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives and the University Press of Kentucky.
Kentucky Book Fair
• 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, at the Frankfort Convention Center, 405 Mero St., Frankfort, Ky.• Free admission• Information: (502) 564-8300, X-297 or visit or email:
Events Schedule
• 9:15 a.m.: “Death Before Slavery,” presented by Erma Bush, Kentucky Humanities Council Chautauqua Performer, as Margaret Garner (not appropriate for children under the age of 13)• 10:30 a.m.: “The Prince of Frogtown,” presented by author Rick Bragg• Noon: “Who Knew! The Truth About C.S. Lewis And Narnia,” presented by author Devin Brown, through the sponsorship of Asbury College• 1:30 p.m.: “The Place To Be: Washington, CBS, And The Glory Days Of Television News,” presented by author Roger Mudd • 2:15 p.m.: Kentucky Humanities Council Chautauqua Performer Jim Sayer As Abraham Lincoln, “I, too am a Kentuckian.”• 3:15 p.m.: Tea with American Girl author Kathleen Ernst Other Book Fair Activities• Conversation with Joan Medlicott, author of “The Ladies of Covington Send Their Love,” noon at the Convention Center. Tickets $15. Call (502) 273-2911• James L. Swanson luncheon on Nov. 15 at the Kentucky History Center (tentatively) noon to 2 p.m.• Patrick Henry Hughes breakfast at 10 a.m. Nov. 15 at the Hotel• There will be free events at the arena Nov. 15 at the History Center (absent Swanson) and at Paul Sawyier on Nov. 14-15.“The Life and Times of Daniel Boone”• Saturday, Nov. 15, at the Community Room at Paul Sawyier Public Library• 9:30 a.m.: Michael P. Spradlin, author of Daniel Boone’s Great Escape• 11 a.m.: Meredith Mason Brown, author of Frontiersman-Daniel Boone and the Making of America• 1:30 p.m.: Robert Morgan, author of Boone: A Biography
Note: The above listed authors will be signing their books at the Kentucky Book Fair, Frankfort Convention Center, at other times throughout the day. Morgan will be signing from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. only.
“Being selected for the Kentucky Book Fair has helped open doors for me that may otherwise not have been opened for a new author with her first book. I am grateful for that,” Tincher said.The Book Fair provides authors of all genres the “chance to meet their readers, hear their likes and dislikes about specific works, and peddle their wares,” said Lynda Sherrard, the event’s marketing chairperson.“Some potential buyers want to talk writing styles,” said Sherrard. “The patron may be an aspiring writer, a reader of a particular genre, or someone just browsing for something that attracts him to the author’s table.” The Kentucky Book Fair was conceived by Carl West and a group of dedicated book lovers, librarians and genuine good hearted individuals, said event organizer Connie Crowe. “To date, we have awarded over $300,000 in grants to public schools and libraries” through the library collection grant.All ages are welcomed to the Book Fair and admission is free. Additional activities include face painting, costumed characters, and special readings by authors. The Kentucky Book Fair will be joined by the Frankfort Optimist Club in presenting “Breakfast with Patrick Henry Hughes” at 10 a.m. at the Capital Plaza Hotel. Hughes is a University of Louisville Trumpeter, speaker and author of “I Am Potential.”Several author-related events precede the Book Fair. At noon Friday, Nov. 14, “Lunch and Conversation with Author Joan Medlicott” will be held at the Frankfort Convention Center. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased through Joseph Beth Booksellers. A boxed lunch will be provided.At 4 p.m. Friday, author Bobbie Hinman will appear at the Paul Sawyier Public Library for a presentation of “Fairies and Magic and Books-Oh, my!” Hinman is the author of “The Knot Fairy” and “The Sock Fairy.” Attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite costume or pajamas, and mismatched socks. Authors must be invited to attend the Kentucky Book Fair, said Crowe. Inclusion is a juried process by a volunteer author selection committee, which reviews more than 400 submissions each year.
Prospect author Lynn Tincher will be amongthe authors at thisyear’s Book Fair inFrankfort, Ky.
Tincher was lucky enough to have been one of the authors chosen to attend this event. “I was very nervous and excited to send them a copy of the manuscript,” she said. “ ‘Afterthoughts’ was still unpublished at the time. It is a real honor to have been selected and I am very excited about being there in November.” Louisville author Rick Bell attended the 2007 Kentucky Book Fair and said, “There is a very positive energy in the room since you are surrounded by book-lovers and readers.” In one day Bell sold 30 to 35 copies of his book, “The Great Flood of 1937.” The book had been on the market for seven months prior to the book fair.“One of the aspects I enjoyed most was catching up with some of the other writers, many of whom I knew from Journalism School at the University of Kentucky during the 1960s,” said Bell. The book fair presents authors with a much wider audience than they might normally have, he said.“It was a pleasure to meet other authors and the remarkably large audience, which seemed to be constantly in motion,” he said. Book fair organizers only feature authors in the year their work is published, which Bell viewed as an incentive to get busy writing his next book. “I would love to experience the Kentucky Book Fair as an author again.” Many new authors “now contact us based on the glowing reports from their colleagues or publishers,” said Sherrard.“And for those we do invite as “celebrity authors,” it’s relatively easy for them to check with their colleagues and friends to find out that the Kentucky Book Fair really is ‘the place to be’ for excellent book sales.” An estimated crowd of up to 3,000 people attended the 2006 Kentucky Book Fair, said Crowe. “I believe that the personal interaction between the author and the patron is what drives our event.”
Photo courtesy of the Kentucky Book Fair
Conservative TV talk show pundit and author RobertNovak signs his bookat last year’sKentucky Book Fair. The one-day eventgives readers achance to meet authors and attend seminars.
Sherrard agreed with Crowe that “the author-patron interaction is what draws many people to the evenh a childhood fascination with an early American frontiersman legend carried itself into adulthood for Morgan. Fueling this intrigue was the fact that Morgan’s father said he was related to Boone through Boone’s mother’s family, the Morgans.“A lot has been written about Boone, but earlier biographers had made a number of mistakes,” said Morgan. These included tales of 15 tons of ginseng Boone and his sons supposedly dug in 1788, his surveying abilities, and the myth that one of Boone’s children was fathered by one of his brothers.A point he found highly relevant to a biography about Boone was the fact that “no previous historians had noticed that Boone was a Freemason, which was significant in the era of the American Revolution. Freemasonry was a part of the Revolutionary spirit,” he said.It took Morgan four years to write this biography. His primary source documents included the Draper Collection housed at the Wisconsin Historical Society, the archives of the Kentucky Historical Society at Frankfort, The Filson Club in Louisville, the Henderson Papers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Durrett Collection at the University of Chicago, The Boone Family files at the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis, among many others. He also used anthropological studies of the Shawnee Indians that “no Boone scholars seemed to have paid any attention to,” he said. Morgan said he learned a lot first hand from Kentucky writers and fellow book fair attendees, Neal O. Hammon and Richard Taylor. As a special bonus to his research, Morgan was able to spend an afternoon with the late author and historian Dr. Thomas Clark a few months before his death. They discussed the history of land in Kentucky.Morgan will also appear at the Paul Sawyier Public Library in Frankfort at 1:30 p.m. on the same day as the Book Fair. He will join Michael P. Spradlin, author of “Daniel Boone’s Great Escape,” and Meredith Mason Brown, author of “Frontiersman-Daniel Boone and the Making of America,” for presentations about “The Life and Times of Daniel Boone.”The Kentucky Historical Society will be collaborating with the Kentucky Book Fair to host a day of free symposiums titled, “A Day with Lincoln.” Selected authors will discuss their works about Lincoln at 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. James L. Swanson, author of “Manhunt,” will be the featured speaker for a noon luncheon. There is a fee to attend this luncheon.
• For more information about the Kentucky Book Fair, contact Connie Crowe at (502) 564-8300, ext. 297 or visit:
Copyright 1999-2008, Kentuckiana Publishing, Inc.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Afterthoughts Book Review
Written by Lynn Tincher
Reviewed by Amber Whitman-Currier
I was extremely pleased when Lynn asked me to review this book. This is Lynn’s first book but I am sure not the last. Lynn hails from Kentucky. Her background in theater arts certainly helps with her concepts. This story is about a young detective named Paige Aldridge. She has had her share of heartaches and family issues but she is strong.
The main characters are Jay, David, Paige, Junna and Sheperd. Paige finds herself in the middle of not one but three murder investigations. She has two men that she develops feelings for, David and Jay. Jay eventually falls hard for her and tries to hide his love. Then there is Junna who has a unique and special ability, which unbeknown to Paige they share for a specific reason. Throw in a villain which is Sheperd and you have a unique and spellbinding story! I particularly liked the character of Paige. She to me is the quintessential girl next door.
I could definitely relate to Paige. However, having the particular personal experiences she has is something that you can only read to believe! I really enjoyed this book. It is relatable, loving, funny, dark, suspenseful and intriguing. My favorite part of the book I would say was towards the end when the truth is revealed and Paige is free. I have to say, that the book was so intriguing that the end left me wanting more and cut short the entire story. You never know that could be purposeful.
Perhaps, Lynn may want to think of an encore to this book. Maybe, she already is. I would definitely recommend this book. I think anyone who enjoys mysteries and suspense will take something away from this piece of literature. This book urges you to read on. You will not want to put it down. So for spine-tingling suspense buy a copy of “Afterthoughts”. You will not be disappointed.
Landed a New Publisher
Monday, October 20, 2008
Book Review for Afterthoughts
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Radio time!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Two special events!
I am excited to announce that I will be joining Richard L. Matteson at The Higgins Maxwell Gallery on Friday, October 10, 2008 from 6:00-9:00 PM!
THE HIGGINS MAXWELL GALLERY on 1200 Payne Street, Louisville, Ky 40204 will present American artist Richard L. Matteson Jr. from Oct. 10 until Nov 1. The show will open with a reception 6:00- 9:00 PM on Oct. 10. Matteson, who is nationally recognized musician, author and artist, will also present two musical performances at the gallery Oct. 11, 7:00 PM and Nov. 1, 7:00 PM. Admission is free. The Higgins-Maxwell gallery is open Mon-Sat, 10am-6pm. For information call Bob Higgins
Richard will be the featured artist in The Literary Lynnch Pen on November 18th. I will be there signing copies of Afterthoughts as well as promoting Richard in TLLP.
Find out more about Richard by visiting this site:
Please come join us in the fun.
Also, please join me at my next book sigining!
A Reader's Corner138 Breckenridge Lane
Louisville, Ky 40207
Saturday, October 18, 2008
1-3:00 PM
I hope to see you there!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Moment of Clarity and Lessons in Gratitude
Lessons in Gratitude: I am amazed at the variety in personalities among the people I meet on a daily basis. Almost everyone has something to teach if you are willing to learn. Maybe I am naive in thinking that others think the same way I do about certain things. I’ve always been grateful when someone takes the time to help me in whatever capacity it is that they can offer. I suppose I expect others to feel the same way. I was proven wrong this week. I found out that some people expect the moon out of a gracious offer of help. I was very hurt by one person in particular. It has taken me a while to recover from that. Then I realized how wrong that is. Why should I let one person who tried to take advantage of me while degrading everything I do get me down? I then thought about all of the people who were very grateful for my help and encouragement and the good that I have accomplished. They are helping pull me out of this funk. Thank you for that!
I am sharing all of this because I know that we all hit rough spots and run into negative people that drag us down. I know it’s hard when you are hurt and it’s easier to dwell on the bad than on the good. Just pick yourself up and concentrate on all the good you do and the positive things in your life. Take control. Don’t let one bad experience drag you down. Keep plugging away and hold your head up high.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Getting Started Again
I am thankful to have electricity again. I know there are so many that still do not and my thoughts are with you. They are also with those who had storm damage or injuries due to the storm. I still can't believe all the damage Ike spread all across the US.
I am really looking forward to both of my book sigings this weekend. I can't wait to meet everyone and see old friends again.
Till later.........
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Helpful Writing and Publishing Links
I am a huge fan of Piers Anthony. I've been reading his books for more than half my life. He has a website where he does research on publishing companies to help new or established authors in their endeavors to get published. I found his research to be very helpful and honest. He is also a very nice man in that he gave me permission to add this link to his website. He updates it every two months. Check it out! ~Lynn~
Piers Anthony's Research -
My first piece of advice...BE PERSISTANT. This is an extremely tough venue to get into. It's hard to get publisher's attention. Especially if you do not have an agent. It's just as tough to get an agent's attention as well. Don't give up. Toughen up your skin. I've received hundreds of rejection letters from agents. The good news is, I have had attention as well. I've been fortunate enough to receive help and advice from several agents. If you get one or two agents willing to look at more of what you write, consider yourself extremely lucky.
Market, market, market!
Develop a network of other authors and friends. Join writers groups. The more people who know who you are the better.
As your release date creeps closer, send out emails to everyone you know. Word of mouth is a very strong tool. Have your friends help you spread the word.
Develop sell sheets for bookstores. Print flyers and business cards for your project and deliver them to Libraries and Bookstores for them to drop in shopping bags at the checkout.
Make your press release "to die for".
Research on how to develop all of the above. There are a lot of great resources available through the web.
I have been fortunate enough to not have had major issues with writer's block. Occasionally, however, I do need a jump start or I've run out of ideas. I have found that if I get out of the house, I can find inspiration. I sometimes walk through department stores and watch people. I can pick up on personality traits, slang, or bits of conversation that may spark something in me. I keep my handy dandy little notebook with me to jot these down. Then when I get back to writing, I have things to help spur me along.
In trying to get the sequel started for Afterthoughts, I've hit a wall on a couple of things so I started a little research. I found a couple of articles that I found to be helpful so I decided to share them with you.'s_block (I know this is a Wikipedia article but it has a lot of great information and other links.)
With all that I've had going on the last couple of weeks, I have been having trouble finding time to write. I am working on the sequel to Afterthoughts as well as starting on a couple of new ideas. I thought I would throw out a couple of ideas on ways to make time.
I carry around a small notebook in my purse. If you don't carry a purse, find a notebook small enough to keep in your pocket or invested in a small hand held device. I use these to jot down ideas and work on different chapters. It's amazing sometimes how much you can get done in a couple of minutes if you have the resources available to take advantage of it.
I did run across a couple of articles that I found to be very helpful and have listed them below. They both offer really great suggestions in "making time".
Time and the Writer by Moira Allen -
Finding Time To Write When You Have No Time To Write! by Karen Fenech -
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Book Signing Afterthoughts
Carmichael's Bookstore
2720 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206
Saturday, September 20, 2008, 4:00 PM
(502) 896-6950
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Seeking Articles
Sign up to receive The Literary Lynnch Pen |
September 8 Finding Inspiration
September 15 Copywriting
September 22 Finding a Publisher
September 29 Writing Poetry
October 1 Making Connections
October 6 Finding an Artist
October 13 Character Development
October 20 Blogging
October 27 Be Open to Experiences
November 3 Google Yourself
November 10 How to be a Good Interviewee
November 18 The Anatomy of a Thriller
November 24 Typesetting
December 1 Finding an Editor
December 8 Setting the Scene
December 15 Tracking Your Fans
December 22 Creating a Space to Write
December 29 Brainstorming
January 5 Writing Non-Fiction
January 12 Keep a Positive Attitude
January 19 Play Writing
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Hurricanes and Updates
I have some exciting news. I have been selected to be one of the authors at the Southern Kentucky Book Fest on April 18, 2009 at the Sloan Convention Center in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I am very proud to be a part of the Book Fest. To find out more, visit their website.
I will also be at the Casey County Public Library in Liberty, Kentucky on December 13th from 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM to talk about Afterthoughts, and the love of reading. I will be signing books as well. Coffee and snacks will be provided. I would like to thank Elizabeth Roy and the Casey County Public Library for asking me to be a part of their Kentucky Author program.
I am also trilled that Axis Avenue featured me in the AJC Decatur Book Fair this weekend. I have placed a copy of their ad on my website. Axis Avenue is a website where authors and readers can meet and share ideas and information. This is a great networking idea to showcase your work.
Everything is moving along fast now. I’m enjoying the ride!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Taking a breather
I'm excited to be working on improving my eZine. I'm so glad to now have a name for it, thanks to James Fletcher! I will soon be publishing articles from other authors that I've been fortunate enough to get to know lately. I would really like for The Literary Lynnch Pen to be both informative and enjoyable for all my readers.
I have also, as most of you know, been working on the sequel to Afterthoughts. It's already taking turns that are different from my original outline. I knew that would happen. (oh and thanks to my brother, John, who notified me of the typo on page 110 of Afterthoughts)
I have received my official invitation to be a part of the Kentucky Book Fair in November. I'm glad to get it. It is such an honor to be a part of Kentucky's Premier Literary Event!!!
This has been a hard two weeks for me. My daughter has moved into her dorm room for her first year in college. My son just got his license and I turn 40 in 5 days. I think I'm finally growing up. *sigh* At least I'm staying very busy so it helps to keep my mind off of things.
I'm thinking of starting another book as well about our society today and the way I perceive the changes and the mentality of the people in America. I'm hoping to make this a comedy. (Keep your fingers crossed) At least, this should be something fun.
Until next time..."TOODLES"
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I was interviewed by L Diane Wolfe
I will also put a copy of the interview on my website soon.
Afterthoughts selected for the Kentucky Book Fair
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
My first Booksigning
The First Book in the Mind Bending Series

Mystery/Fiction/Psychological Thriller
ISBN Paperback: 978-0-595-51769-5 (0-595-51769-2)
HC ISBN: 978-0-5995-62160-6 (0-595-62160-0)
PDF EISBN: 978-0-595-62024-1 (0-595-62024-8)
Trade Paperback/Hardcover/eBook
July 2008
Available at both Carmichael's Bookstore locations:
2720 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206
1295 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40204
Detective Paige Aldridge's family are prey for a serial killer. Desperate to help her sister, she is determined to find out who is behind it all. After being the victim of a kidnapping, she is traumatized by memories she does not know she has. She sees visions of the murders and believes she is being followed by someone she's only seen in the shadows. Trying to run from her dreams, she is sent spiraling down a path of self doubt, fear and betrayal. Paige finds an unlikely friend that tries to help her by telling her unbelievable things. Teamed up with her partner, Jay, she tries to put all of the pieces together. Are all of these things connected? Will Jay believe in her and most importantly will Paige believe in herself? Are the memories true or is it just an elaborate mind game? Can she get her thoughts together before it's too late??
About the Author:
Lynn Tincher was born in the small town of La Grange, Kentucky and grew up in Goshen. She has always had a vivid imagination. One of her fondest memories of growing up was when a short story of hers was read in front of the students at Oldham County High School. Since then, her love for writing blossomed.
Lynn studied Theater Arts in College in hopes of becoming a Drama/English teacher. She has written articles in local newspapers and travel brochures. Now, she is focused on writing novels, short stories, poems and publishing her weekly eZine.
Not only does Lynn look forward to sharing her stories, she is also focused on helping other new writers in their efforts to get published. She publishes a weekly eZine to hundreds of people that is read all over the world. In her eZine there are Writing Tips, Featured Artists and the Pet of the Week. The Featured Artist section is free publicity for Artists of any kind and she is working with the Kentucky Humane Society for the Pet of the Week section. Lynn is also working with the American Cancer Society so that ten percent of the proceeds from her book will be donated to them.
Lynn has also partnered with Constant Contact to help provide affordable email list management and email marketing. She has offered this service to area churches at a discounted price and is willing to help her clients get set up to manage this on their own as well.
Her inspiration comes from her family and some of her favorite authors, Nora Roberts, Piers Anthony and J.K. Rowling. (Yes, she's a Potter fan!)
Lynn is pleased to announce her first book signing event. Join her at Carmichael's Bookstore located at 2720 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206 on Saturday, September 20th at 4:00 PM.
To contact Lynn for an interview or public appearance, please email her at or visit her website at
Monday, July 21, 2008
Afterthoughts is officially released
It will take 4-6 weeks before it is set up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc.
I should be receiving my copies in a few days. I can't wait! It's like having a baby. It won't be long and I will be able to hold it in my hands.
I'm already getting a couple of interview requests. This is so exciting. :)
Off we go....wish me luck!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Today's Featured Artist - Ashby Scott
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Featured Artist calendar
Again, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. I wouldn't be here without you!
Lynn Tincher
June 30th- Klasic
July 14th- Ashby Scott
July 21st - L Diane Wolfe
July 28th - Brandon Houser
August 4th - Ronda Armstrong
August 11th - Drew Johnson
August 18th - Linda Ballou
August 25th - CA Davis
September 1st - Hope McKim
September 8th - TM Moore
September 15th - B Jay Gladwell
September 22nd - Teri L Campbell
September 29th - Jeanne Warnes
October 1st - Afrika Midnight Asha Abney
October 6th - Mitch Bensel
October 13th - Anjuelle Floyd
October 20th - Damien Gallatin
October 27th - Sean
November 3rd - Robert Powell
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Press Release
Program Provides Lynn Tincher's Clients with Effective and Affordable Tools to Build Strong, Lasting Customer Relationships Louisville, Kentucky - June 13, 2008 - Lynn Tincher of today announced she has joined Constant Contact's Business Partner Program. Lynn Tincher is able to provide her clients with easy-to-use email marketing and online survey products to help them build strong, lasting customer relationships. Constant Contact®, Inc. ( is a leading provider of email marketing and online survey tools for small organizations.
"My clients are always looking for effective ways to grow their businesses," said Lynn Tincher. "Constant Contact's customer communication tools give my clients a valuable addition to my core services. Constant Contact's ease-of-use and affordability made the partner program a great solution to meet my clients' marketing needs. I will provide custom service from helping new clients set up with Constant Contact to build their own email lists and marketing to providing marketing advice, editing services, or publishing and maintaining all of their information for them. I will be a one stop marketing and email list shop, all at a low cost to help a small business grow."
"Email marketing and online surveys are proven tools that help small businesses connect with their customers and build successful customer relationships," said Len Bruskiewitz, Director, Partner Programs, Constant Contact. "We are pleased that Lynn Tincher chose Constant Contact to provide her clients with our products and services, and we look forward to working with her to help grow her clients' businesses." As a Constant Contact Business Partner, Lynn Tincher is able to provide her clients with email marketing and online survey capabilities. With SpeakUp!SM Email Marketing,
Constant Contact's email marketing product, Lynn Tincher's clients can quickly and easily create professional-looking emails, manage contact email lists, measure email campaign results from clicks to open rates, and review who joined email lists. With ListenUp!SM Survey, Constant Contact's online survey product, Lynn Tincher's clients have an easy-to-use tool to gain insight that will help them meet customer needs, generate new ideas, and grow their business or organization. ListenUp! Survey also helps Lynn Tincher's clients analyze responses quickly; create targeted email lists based on survey responses, take action, and follow-up with relevant email communications.
Today, Constant Contact's Business Partner Program has more than 1,700 active small businesses who offer their clients the power and impact of email marketing and online surveys. Every Constant Contact Business Partner receives a co-branded landing site, revenue sharing, online reporting, a free Constant Contact account, and access to a Partner Extranet for marketing and promotional tools, content, and materials to educate its client base on the benefits of email marketing and online surveys. About Lynn
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wish me luck!
Friday, June 6, 2008
June 15th Featured Artist Tantra-zawadi
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Featured Artists
Friday, May 30, 2008
I have a proof!
I am one step closer to holding in my hands! I can't wait!I'll be able to post the art soon and really begin promotion!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
New Guestbook!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
New Book to benefit American Cancer Society
My friend Lynn Tincher has written her first novel! She is taking pre-orders for Afterthoughts, a mindbending thriller!
Synopsis: Detective Paige Aldridge finds that the only people she has for a family are murdered one by one. Desperate to help her sister, she is determined to find out who is behind it all. After being the victim of a kidnapping, she is traumatized by memories she does not know she has. She sees visions of the murders and believes she is being followed by someone she’s only seen in the shadows. Trying to run from her dreams, she is sent spiraling down a path of self doubt, fear and betrayal. Paige finds an unlikely friend that tries to help her by telling her unbelievable things. Are all of these things connected? Teamed up with her partner, Jay, she tries to put all of the pieces together. Will Jay believe in her and most importantly will Paige believe in herself? Are the memories true or are they just an elaborate mind game? Can she get her thoughts together before it’s too late? Lynn was born and raised in Oldham County and is a graduate of Oldham County High School. You can learn all about her by visiting
And for a limited time, Lynn is making this SPECIAL OFFER: If you visit and pre-order your autographed copy of Afterthoughts, use coupon code ACS2008 during the checkout process. With this coupon, you will receive $5.00 off your order and the American Cancer Society will get 10% of all the revenue from the sales. Please feel free to forward the coupon code to any one that may be interested in helping.
Good luck, Lynn and thanks for supporting the American Cancer Society!
Vickie Grassman
Income Development - Special EventsAmerican Cancer Society
701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.
Louisville, KY 40203
An Evening of Hope Gala - Una Noche de Esperanza - May 31, 2008 For Life of Spencer County: For Life of Southwest Jefferson County/Iroquois: Rick Pitino's Coaches vs. Cancer donation site:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Busy busy busy
Please visit to sign up for the eZine. There are some really exciting things going on with it. I have started a Readers Care section and a Featured Artists section.
Also, check out
Here's a section from my eZine and things that have been going on:
Things are moving fast! I have some exciting events in the works.I will be on Author's Row at Chautaugua 2008 in Jeffersonville, Indiana on May 17th and 18th to promote Afterthoughts. I hope to see you there!For more information on Chautaugua 2008, visit also have one local bookstore and one of the national bookstores lined up to host book signing events. I will release more information when it gets closer Afterthoughts release date. Afterthoughts is still in editing and I have not received the official book art. I do, however, have the ISNB numbers. Here they are:
Hard Cover - 0-595-62160-0
Paperback ISBN: 0-595-51769-5
eBook PDF EISBN: 0-595-62024-1
I want to thank everyone for their help and support!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Off and running...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wish me luck!!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
January Update
I'm in the process of sprucing up the website and setting myself up as a "Business".
Back to working hard on "Afterthoughts"!